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NEWS CENTER - Clean Room, Air Shower, Cargo Shower, Pass Box, Clean Bench, Laminar Flow Cabinet, FFU, HEPA BOX, Weighing Room
  • Spray disinfect the air shower. 2025-03-07
  • What are the scenarios for spray disinfection air shower room? 2025-03-07
  • What is the disinfection effect of a spray air shower? 2025-03-07
  • What factors affect the disinfection effect of spray air showers? 2025-03-07
  • Dynamic pass box 2025-03-06
  • How does the air shower system for the Dynamic pass box work? 2025-03-06
  • What are the types of air shower systems for Dynamic pass boxes? 2025-03-06
  • How often is the Dynamic pass box filter changed? 2025-03-06
  • Flat plate air filter 2025-03-05
  • Where is the plate air filter suitable? 2025-03-05
  • What is the difference between flat air filters and other types of filters? 2025-03-05
  • How long is the life of a flat air filter? 2025-03-05
  • Ultra-low resistance high-efficiency filter unit 2025-03-04
  • What are the application scenarios of the ultra-low resistance high-efficiency filter unit? 2025-03-04
  • What is the service life of an ultra-low resistance high-efficiency filter unit? 2025-03-04
  • What affects the filtration efficiency of ultra-low resistance high efficiency filter unit? 2025-03-04
  • How often should the HEPA air filter of the anti-static ultra-clean workbench be replaced? 2025-03-03
  • How to determine whether the HEPA filter needs to be replaced? 2025-03-03
  • How to properly install and replace the HEPA air filter of the anti-static ultra-clean workbench? 2025-03-03
  • Antistatic workbench is generally used in which industries? 2025-03-03
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