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Working Principle of DOP Laminar Flow Pass box

Working Principle of DOP Laminar Flow Pass box

The ability of the DOP laminar flow pass box to maintain cleanliness during the delivery of items mainly relies on its carefully designed airflow control and efficient filtering device.
In terms of airflow control, when one side door of the transfer window is opened, the internal fan starts to generate a stable laminar airflow. This laminar airflow flows at a uniform speed, avoiding the turbulence of the airflow and the generation of vortices, thereby reducing the suspension and diffusion of dust particles. The wind speed at the air outlet of the wind nozzle is as high as 20s or more, and the strong wind speed can quickly blow away the dust particles on the surface of the goods. At the same time, the clean airflow forms an airlock in the transfer window to prevent the invasion of external unclean air and ensure that the air quality inside the clean room is not affected.
The filtering device is the core component to maintain cleanliness. The transfer window is equipped with a primary filter and a high-efficiency filter. The primary filter first intercepts larger particles, such as dust, fiber, etc. The high-efficiency filter can remove tiny dust particles with a filtration efficiency of up to 99.99%. The filtered clean air circulates in the transfer window to continuously purify the internal environment.
In addition, the transfer window will regularly use ultraviolet germicidal lamps to sterilize the inner wall of the work area, effectively preventing the growth of bacteria. To ensure the normal operation of the filter, a differential pressure gauge is configured to monitor the condition of the high-efficiency filter in real, to detect the blockage or damage of the filter in time, thereby reminding the user to replace it in time to ensure the continuous stability of the filtering effect.
In short, the DOP laminar flowpass box provides a highly clean environment for the delivery of items through precise airflow control and efficient filtering devices, ensuring that the cleanliness of the clean room is not affected.