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Working principle of box filter

Working principle of box filter

The principle of box filters using filters to block particles and purify air is relatively complex, mainly through the following ways of synergy.
The first is interception. When air carries particles into the box filter, the particles move with the airflow. Once they hit the fiber surface of the filter, the particles will be stuck due to the existence of van der Waals force. Smaller dust will also bond to form larger particles and settle when they collide with each other.
The second is inertia and diffusion. Larger dust particles move inertially in the airflow. When they encounter fibers with disordered arrangement, they deviate from the direction of the airflow due to inertia collide with the fibers, and are bonded. Small dust particles perform irregular Brownian motion. The smaller the particles, the more violent the irregular motion, the more opportunities to hit the fibers, and the better the filtering effect.
The third is the electrostatic effect. In some cases, fibers and particles will be charged, resulting in an electrostatic effect. Static electricity filter materials can cause dust to change its trajectory and hit obstacles, thereby enhancing the filtering effect.
In addition, there is chemical filtering. For example, a box filter that uses activated carbon as the filter material. The large number of micropores in the activated carbon can selectively adsorb harmful gas molecules and keep them in the filter, thereby purifying the air.
Taking the large air volume box V-type filter as an example, the V-shaped filter design it uses increases the filtration area and can accommodate more particles. At the same time, the flow of air can also take away some particles on the filter net to maintain efficient filtration.
In short, the box filter uses a combination of multiple principles to effectively block and remove particles in the air using the filter net to provide us with clean air.