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Working principle and characteristics of activated carbon filter box

Working principle and characteristics of activated carbon filter box

(I) Adsorption principle
Activated carbon filter box mainly removes harmful substances from the air through two methods: physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. Physical adsorption is caused by electrostatic force or van der Waals attraction between adsorbent and adsorbate molecules. Activated carbon has a large surface area, and its carbon particles have even finer pores - capillaries, which have strong adsorption capacity. When the molecular attraction between solid and gas is greater than the attraction between gas molecules, gas molecules will condense on the solid surface even if the gas pressure is lower than the saturated vapor pressure corresponding to the operating temperature. For example, the adsorption of gas and liquid can be close to a part of the mass of the activated carbon itself. Chemical adsorption, also known as active adsorption, is caused by the chemical reaction force between the adsorbent surface and the adsorbate molecules. It involves the destruction and recombination of chemical bonds in molecules, so the adsorption heat of the chemical adsorption process is greater than that of the physical adsorption process. In the adsorption process, there is no strict boundary between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. The same substance often exhibits physical adsorption at lower temperatures but may be chemical adsorption at higher temperatures.
(II) Multiple characteristics
Strong adsorption capacity: As mentioned above, the capillary structure of activated carbon has a large surface area, which can reach more than 1000m²/g, so it has a strong adsorption capacity. It can absorb odors and harmful gases in the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, etc.
Easy to carry and replace: Granular activated carbon is not easy to flow due to particle formation, and impurities such as organic matter in the water are not easy to block in the activated carbon filter layer. It has strong adsorption capacity and is easy to carry and replace.
Possessing biochemical degradation and surface catalysis: Activated carbon can not only adsorb harmful substances but also has certain biochemical degradation and surface catalysis. It can promote the decomposition and transformation of certain harmful substances, further improving the air purification effect. For example, for some organic pollutants, the microorganisms on the surface of activated carbon can carry out biochemical degradation and convert them into harmless substances. At the same time, the catalytic active sites on the surface of activated carbon can promote certain chemical reactions, such as oxidation reactions, thereby accelerating the removal of harmful substances.