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Which one has better cleanliness, the ultra-clean workbench or air shower room?

Which one has better cleanliness, the ultra-clean workbench or air shower room?

    Which one has better cleanliness, the ultra-clean workbench or the air shower room? The cleanliness level of the ultra-clean workbench is level 100@≥0.5μm, which are vertical flow ultra-clean workbench and horizontal flow ultra-clean workbench. The cleanliness level of the air shower room is high cleanliness and high wind speed: it adopts a two-stage filtration system of primary and secondary filters, and a low-resistance filter without partitions. The filtration efficiency is 99.99%, ensuring the purification level. Equipped with an all-stainless steel multi-angle adjustable nozzle, a double-volume outer rotor fan with large air volume and low noise. The wind speed at the outlet of the air nozzle is as high as 25m/s or more, and the wind speed blowing onto the human body is more than 18m/s.
    Both the ultra-clean workbench and the air shower room are clean. The ultra-clean workbench (clean bench) is widely used in fields such as electronics, optoelectronics, precision instruments, meters, biopharmaceuticals, food, medical, hard disk manufacturing, and scientific research and testing. Designed to meet the needs of local work area cleanliness.
    The air shower is a highly versatile local purification equipment installed between clean rooms and non-clean rooms. When people and goods enter the clean area, they need to be blown through the air shower. The clean air blown out by it can remove the dust carried by people and goods, and can effectively block or reduce dust sources from entering the clean area. The front and rear doors of the air shower/cargo shower are electronically interlocked and can also function as airlocks to prevent unpurified air from entering the clean area. Air shower rooms can be divided into clean human shower rooms, clean cargo shower rooms, clean air shower channels, clean cargo shower channels, etc. according to different use objects. Air shower dust removal efficiency filtration - mainly collects fine dust above 0.3um.
    Air showers are currently widely used in the industry, and can even be applied to all industries, such as electronics, machinery, medicine, food QS certification, cosmetics clean workshops, color printing and packaging, brewing, winemaking, bioengineering, and other industrial and scientific research fields. If the price factor is eliminated, the all-stainless steel air shower may be the most popular type of air shower among users.