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Where does the resistance of an air filter come from?

Where does the resistance of an air filter come from?

I. The porous body is assumed to be modeled as a system of capillaries and the airflow through the circular capillaries is described by Poe's law, a theory used by Kozeny, Carman, Clarefiburg, and others.

II. Another for the resistance of the actual, assumed to represent the porous body has more or less the shape of the model, to do as realistic as possible and simple, after the test to know the resistance of the filter.

III. After research shows that the resistance of the air filter is mainly related to the airflow speed, filter area, filter structure, gas viscosity, fiber uniform radius, and filling density.

IV. We can consider the filter resistance as the sum of two parts: the structural resistance and the filter media resistance, and derive the corresponding correlation formula for calculating the resistance.

V. And from a large number of tests we can derive data and theory: the experimental value and the theoretical calculation value there is a certain error, mainly because the model established by the theory does not match the actual occasion of filter application.

VI. In terms of the same type of filter, under the same rated air volume, the total resistance is not the same if the structural resistance is equal, which is mainly because the filter media resistance is different, so the total resistance is different.

VII. If the air filter of different structures is under the same air volume, its resistance is also different, which shows that the structural resistance is not only related to the filter structure but also influenced by the performance of the filter media.

VIII. After the summary we can know that the same structure, different filter media filter efficiency, and resistance test results are different; the same model of the filter because the airflow speed is not the same, its efficiency, and resistance test results are also different.