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What to look for when using activated carbon equipment

What to look for when using activated carbon equipment

1. When choosing activated carbon filter media, we must consider its adsorption performance, mechanical strength, price and regeneration methods, and other indicators, not just focus on one of them, and because the performance of the media we need to deal with is different, so the type of activated carbon to be used is also different. For example, the treatment method of coke is better than activated carbon in the paper industry.

2. The surface of activated carbon filter media shows alkaline, in order not to make its performance decline in the process of use, we should pay attention to the content of inorganic salts in the water when using it, especially the content of heavy metal ions is the lower the better.

3. To give full play to the performance of activated carbon and avoid its premature saturation, it is necessary to ensure that the water quality of the incoming water does not exceed the preset value. When the concentration of organic matter in the incoming water is high, the use of physical, chemical, and biological pretreatment measures must be strengthened; and when there are too many suspended matters and colloids in the wastewater, a certain amount of coagulant must be added for comprehensive use.

4. For some phenomena that require deep treatment, or where the pollution concentration exceeds the standard, we can set up by-pass pipelines in the equipment; when the water quality of the incoming water changes significantly, the use of activated carbon treatment should be stopped in time to save the absorption capacity of activated carbon and effectively extend the life of its use.

5. Since activated carbon and ordinary carbon steel will produce electrochemical corrosion, the equipment in contact with it should be made of reinforced concrete or stainless steel, or plastic; if carbon steel has to be used, it should be treated with anti-corrosion treatment first.

6. In the use of powdered activated carbon, extra attention should be paid to the issue of fire prevention and explosion-proof, in which the facilities configured should also meet the requirements of explosion-proof to avoid hazards.