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What should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance and care of laminar flow hoods?

What should be paid attention to in the daily maintenance and care of laminar flow hoods?

The following are the matters that need to be paid attention to in the daily maintenance and care of laminar flow hoods:
1. Clean the outer shell of the laminar flow hood regularly, wipe it with a soft damp cloth, and avoid using corrosive detergents to prevent damage to the surface coating.
2. The internal filter needs to be replaced or cleaned at the prescribed time interval. For high-efficiency filters, it is generally not recommended to clean them, and they are directly replaced to ensure the filtering effect.
1. Check the operating status every day, including whether the wind speed, noise, vibration, etc. are normal.
2. Check the electrical system regularly, such as whether the power cord is damaged, whether the plug is loose, etc.
3. Check whether the fan is running smoothly and whether there is any abnormal sound.
1. Ensure that the laminar flow hood is installed firmly, and tighten it in time if it is loose.
2. Regularly lubricate and maintain the moving parts, such as adjusting dampers, shutters, etc., to ensure their flexible operation.
In terms of use environment:
1. Avoid too many obstacles around the laminar flow hood to affect the normal flow of air.
2. Avoid operations that may generate a lot of dust or droplets near the laminar flow hood.
For example, the laminar flow hood maintenance staff of a hospital will listen to the sound of the fan every day when the equipment is running. Once an abnormality is found, the machine will be stopped for inspection immediately to avoid a decrease in cleanliness due to fan failure. Another example is an electronics factory, which will strictly replace the filter according to the prescribed time and properly handle the replaced filter to prevent it from polluting the environment.
In short, the daily maintenance and care of the laminar flow hood requires careful and standardized operation to ensure its performance and service life.