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What measures should be taken when filter bags in purification equipment are damaged?

What measures should be taken when filter bags in purification equipment are damaged?

   In the use of various air purification equipment, we often encounter a variety of failure problems, this time if you do not know how to deal with it will be very troublesome. Therefore, today we take the bag filter equipment in the purification equipment as an example, for you to talk about which filter bag should be damaged to take measures!
First, the high-temperature contraction of the filter bag
   This situation is basically due to a variety of equipment due to the use of different temperatures, when the temperature exceeds the use of the temperature of the filter media, the filter bag will appear to shrink the phenomenon, and even can not be pumped out of the equipment. Which can also be divided into the following phenomena:
   1, if the bag cage of the equipment is higher than the filter bag, or sometimes on top of the blowing pipe, it means that the filter bag is contracted;
   2, the inability to extract the filter bag from the equipment is also an indication of the filter bag contraction.
   3, the bottom of the filter bag by the bag cage is also a shrinkage of the problem.
   4, the color of the filter bag gradually becomes darker (except for the phenomenon of corrosion).
   In the face of this series of problems, what can we do to solve it? In some unstable working temperature conditions, we can add a cooling device before the purification equipment, such as spray cooling, water cooler, etc., to effectively reduce its temperature, to ensure better operation of the equipment.
   Second, the filter bag by wet heat shrinkage
   This is also a shrinkage phenomenon, but the situation is relatively special, referring to the temperature of the fiber being 130 ℃, and a large number of moisture exists, the filter bag will be affected by moisture heat and contraction.
   Third, the filter bag burned at high temperatures
   In some industrial settings to deal with high-temperature flue gas, the scene of temperature will be high and low, extremely unstable, this time is also very easy to damage the filter bag, which will also seriously affect the service life of the filter bag, and even damage the purification equipment. In the face of this situation, we suggest that in the use of high-temperature conditions on the filter, bag pre-coated grey treatment, such as pre-coated on the surface of a layer of lime powder or kaolin, which can effectively reduce the high temperature on the harm of the filter bag.
   The three problems introduced above for you are the air purification equipment in the filter bag is often a problem, and we introduce you to the filter bag damage should be taken measures, from which you can know some of the basic measures to deal with the problem, for the use of still very helpful.