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What kind of air filter works well?

What kind of air filter works well?

Air filters are divided into these types: primary filters use inertia to separate large dust particles, the amount of dust filtered is high but not high precision, used in the initial filtration parts of the pre-filtering effect; medium-effect filters with synthetic fibers as filter media, dust removal power and scale are comparable; and high-efficiency filters can be made of paper-like filter media, filter paper can be folded many times to filter smaller impurities, high-precision filters can be used in aseptic warehouse projects.
How to compare the air filter there is no conclusion, depending on the needs of the occasion to choose the appropriate equipment, can be considered from these aspects: filtering precision is not high enough if the precision is not enough, dust can enter the compressor, affecting the life of other components such as separators and even bearings; filter waterproof function should also be good, there is moisture in the air, and the humidity is greater on rainy days, once the filter is damp will make The compressor does not run smoothly, and it will be serious to produce clogging, which will also increase the electricity consumption.

The air filter is usually from the import of compressed air, was introduced into the inflow plate, the inflow plate has a uniform distribution of fan-like fan blade oblique teeth, forcing the high-speed flow of compressed air along the tangential direction of the teeth to produce strong rotation, mixed in the air of liquid water and oil and larger impurities in a strong centrifugal force, respectively, out to the bottom of the water cup.
The compressed air with the liquid water oil and larger impurities removed is then further filtered through the filter element to remove tiny solid particles and then clean compressed air is output from the outlet.
An umbrella-shaped water baffle separates the cup into two parts, the lower part maintaining a static pressure zone, which prevents the high-speed rotating airflow from sucking up the water and oil at the bottom of the cup.
Water and oil that collects at the bottom of the cup are drained from the drain valve. The air filter must be installed with the water cup downwards in a vertical position.
If the diameter of the upper throttle is too large, the volume of float required must also be large, which increases the structural dimensions of the cup; too small a diameter makes it difficult to make during injection molding.
In general, the diameter of the upper throttle is 0.8 to 1.5 mm. The water cup of the air filter is generally made of transparent polycarbonate (PC) material, which makes it easy to view the water level in the cup.
The thickness of the water cup should be greater than 3mm, the thicker the apparatus serves the greater the pressure used. Due to the fragility of PC, a metal protective cover is generally added for use on larger-size filters.
When adding the protective cover, the cover should hold the bottom of the water cup, so that the cover can withstand the main pressure. Metal water cups can be adopted at high pressure, but with a transparent scale to show the water level Depending on the need for filtration accuracy, different cartridges can be used. There are 3 types of cartridges: metal mesh type, sintered type, and fiber cohesive type.
The metal mesh type has a low filtration precision, while the fiber cohesion type has a high filtration precision. The commonly used sintered types include copper bead sintering, resin sintering, and ceramic sintering, among which copper bead sintering is common.
By choosing different copper bead diameters, different filtration accuracies can be achieved. Generally, there are 4 types of filtration precision: 5μm, 20μm, 50μm, and 100μm.
After contacting the live carbon, the free molecules coalesce into liquid in the micro-pores due to the capillary principle and stay in the micro-pores, some of them and the material become one.
The adsorption without an obvious chemical reaction is called physical adsorption. There are a large number of invisible micropores in the live carbon material, which has a large adsorption area.
In a grain of living carbon, the area inside the micropores is more than ten square meters. After contacting the living carbon, the free molecules coalesce into liquid in the micro-pores due to the capillary principle and stay in the micro-pores, some of which are integrated with the material.
The adsorption without an obvious chemical reaction is called physical adsorption. There are a large number of invisible micropores in the live carbon material, which has a large adsorption area. The area inside the micropores in a meter-sized piece of living carbon is more than ten square meters large.