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What is the replacement interval for the air filter in an air shower room?

What is the replacement interval for the air filter in an air shower room?

Air shower rooms have two main types of air filters: primary and high-efficiency filters.
How long does it take to replace these two types of filters? 

Generally speaking, primary filters take about 3 to 6 months, while high-efficiency filters usually take about 2 years to replace.
Of course, this is only the manufacturer's recommendation to the user.

A practical analysis is as follows: A differential pressure measuring device measures whether the filter has reached its design final resistance, which is a better way of determining the filter life.
As soon as the filter reaches the design's final resistance, it needs to be cleaned or replaced. 

Empirical methods can also be used to determine the filter life.
For example, under normal use, high-efficiency filters are replaced every 2 to 3 years, but this data varies considerably.
Empirical data can only be used for a specific project once the operation of the air shower has been verified, and empirical data applicable to air showers can only be used for air showers.

If the range of applications is extended, service life will be unavoidable.
If the high-efficiency filters in air showers are replaced, for example in very large infusion rooms, solids rooms, and sterile laboratories, the service life will exceed three years.

Therefore, the empirical values for the life of air filters cannot be extended arbitrarily.
If the system is not designed properly if fresh air treatment is not carried out, and if the dust removal program in the air shower room is not scientific, the filters will certainly have a very short service life and some of them will have to be replaced in less than a year.