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What is the purpose of a filter in an air conditioning unit?

What is the purpose of a filter in an air conditioning unit?

In the process of purifying our air, air conditioning equipment plays a huge role in bringing us fresh air, if we want to say what mission there is in the filter air conditioning fan, the filter plays a big role in the whole air conditioning fan

I. To indoor air pollution, such as dust and other effective treatment, to provide more fresh air.

II. Effectively prevent stains around the air supply of the air conditioner, ting long service life of the equipment.

III. In different levels of a clean room to play corresponding standard requirements, a clean room if you want to achieve a certain level of cleanliness must be installed an air filter, for the air into the room for effective filtration.

IV. For fans, heat exchangers, pipes, and other components in the serious accumulation of ash phenomenon to deal with, but also to remove the effect of odor.

Nowadays, filters are used more and more in various purification systems, and many factors have become important criteria for selection, but the service life of the equipment is still an important basis for people to choose this equipment and is one of the indicators that we are concerned about.
However, in practice, it is difficult to predict the service life of an air filter, so it is often estimated by the actual weight of the dust held by the equipment, and only when the test conditions and methods are the same can the service life of different equipment be estimated based on the dust holding capacity.

What is dust capacity? It is simply defined as the total amount of dust intercepted by the filter before it reaches the end of the test.
The test is carried out by sending a certain amount of artificial dust through the dust-generating device into the test duct until the artificial dust is completely sent and then the filter under test is removed and weighed to calculate the weighting efficiency of the filter unit.

This is repeated until the test filter reaches its final resistance value, then the average weighting efficiency of the whole test process can be calculated.