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What is the impact of intermediate filters as intermediate filtration?

What is the impact of intermediate filters as intermediate filtration?

Clean room, set up three-stage filtration in addition to step-by-step filtration of dust particles in the air, but also can be used to protect the high-level filters of low-level filters, reduce operating costs, which is located in the primary filter of the fresh air intake, clean room air handling unit filter section, intermediate filters are located in the filter section of the air-handling unit, high-efficiency filters are located at the end of the air supply. That intermediate filter is as an intermediate filter affected by what?

I. Influence factors of the intermediate efficiency filter:

1. Influence the resistance of the air conditioning filter is the wind speed, the greater the wind speed, the greater the resistance of the filter; the second is the pollution of the filter dust, the greater the pollution, the greater the resistance;

2. In the case of wind speed remains constant, the wind resistance reflects the amount of dust collected by the filter;

3. The resistance of the newly installed air filter is called the initial resistance, with the increase of adsorbed particles, the resistance increases. Wind resistance increases, the pressure loss of wind increases, reducing the wind speed and wind transmission, increasing the power delivered by the fan, which is not conducive to energy saving;

4. To maintain and reduce the rise in wind resistance, it is necessary to frequently replace or clean the air conditioning air filter, increasing maintenance costs;

5. In the daily operation of the air conditioner, air humidity is also a cause of wind resistance. A rise in humidity will cause the dust particles adhering to the filter material to bond into a ball, blocking the flow of air, and also increasing wind resistance;

6. Therefore, we need to find a balance between the impact of wind resistance, economic costs, and fan energy saving, and improve the leaf storage room air conditioning medium-effect air filter.

II. Replacement cycle of medium-efficiency filter: under the conditions of rated air volume use, the filter needs to be replaced in 3~4 months; or when the resistance of the filter reaches more than 400Pa, the filter must be replaced; if the filter uses washable media, and the replacement of the next media, it can be rinsed with water or solution containing neutral detergent, cooled and dried, and then replaced; it is allowed to be cleaned for the second time at the most, and then it is necessary to replace with a new one. Filter; if the dust concentration in the use environment is large, the service life cycle will be reduced.