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What is the filtration efficiency of the high-efficiency air outlet for 0.3 micron particles?

What is the filtration efficiency of the high-efficiency air outlet for 0.3 micron particles?

The high-efficiency air outlet is an important component in the air purification system. It is mainly composed of a box, a high-efficiency filter, a diffuser, and other parts. The function of the box is to balance the airflow and provide a stable air intake for the high-efficiency filter; the high-efficiency filter is the core component responsible for filtering the air; the diffuser can make the filtered air evenly diffuse into the indoor space.
High-efficiency air outlets are widely used in various scenarios with high air quality requirements. In pharmaceutical factories, it ensures the cleanliness of the production environment and prevents dust particles from affecting the quality of drugs; in electronic chip manufacturing workshops, tiny dust particles may cause chip short circuits or other performance problems, and high-efficiency air outlets can effectively filter out these impurities; in hospital operating rooms, it provides a sterile and clean air environment for surgery to reduce the risk of infection.
So, what is the filtration efficiency of the high-efficiency air outlet for 0.3 micron particles? Generally speaking, the filtration efficiency of the high-efficiency filter of the high-efficiency air outlet for 0.3 micron particles can reach 99.97% or more. This data means that for every 10,000 0.3-micron particles, less than 3 particles can penetrate the filter. If the filter is a liquid tank-type high-efficiency, the filtration efficiency can be increased to 99.999%!
Some people may ask, why is the filtration efficiency measured for 0.3-micron particles? This is because 0.3-micron particles are the most difficult particle size range to filter. Particles smaller than 0.3 microns are captured by the fiber mainly by diffusion effect, while particles larger than 0.3 microns are mainly filtered by interception and inertial collision. Therefore, taking the filtration efficiency of 0.3-micron particles as the standard can well reflect the performance of the high-efficiency air outlet in the entire filtration range.
If the filtration efficiency of 0.3-micron particles is found to decrease during the use of the high-efficiency air outlet, first check whether the high-efficiency filter has reached its service life. If the filter has been used for too long, it should be replaced in time. At the same time, check the sealing of the air outlet to ensure that no unfiltered air leaks in. In addition, the box and diffuser should also be cleaned regularly to prevent dust accumulation from affecting the overall performance.