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What is the difference between purification engineering cleanroom and ordinary workshop?

What is the difference between purification engineering cleanroom and ordinary workshop?

The main function of a clean room is to reduce air pollution particles and to ensure indoor cleanliness control.

I. Ordinary workshop on the production workshop construction board only no practical requirements, can immediately apply civil engineering wall. But purification engineering clean workshops generally choose color steel plate construction.


Two. Ordinary workshops on indoor cleanliness generally do not require, but purification engineering clean workshop has clean level requirements, indoors and can ensure and maintain the corresponding cleanliness level. The whole process of air purification, in addition to the use of primary filters, will be equipped with high-efficiency filters, and live micro-organisms in the air for disinfection and sterilization, to ensure the cleanliness of the production workshop gas. The air filtration system of the supply and exhaust air volume is much larger than in ordinary workshops. In general, the ordinary workshop ventilation is 8-10 times / H, clean room unilateral flow purification project ventilation is 400-600 times / H. Purification project clean room always maintains a positive pressure to avoid outside air pollutants into the clean area, while the ordinary workshop usually does not pay attention to this point.

III. In space planning and design and decoration, purification engineering clean workshop is the most important feature of the clean area and the separation of contaminated areas, the entry of personnel and objects are to pass through a special blowing channel to remove the pollutants attached to the personnel and objects, to prevent pollutants from being sent to the clean area, damage to the air filtration engineering of the actual cleaning effect, to ensure that the environment is not cross-contaminated.

IV. The management method of the ordinary workshop is generally based on its processing technology to define the standard, but the management method of the purification room is quite complicated. Purification engineering clean room is usually built in an ordinary workshop. According to the engineering design of the purification engineering clean workshop, strict control is carried out at the level of air purification, air supply and exhaust volume, standard air pressure, personnel, and object access management methods. Ensure that the temperature, cleanliness level, working pressure in the room, noise vibration and lighting, and static electricity induction in the production workshop room operates in a special category.