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What is a high temperature high efficiency air filter and what is it used for?

What is a high temperature high efficiency air filter and what is it used for?

The main feature of the high-temperature high efficiency air filter is its high-temperature resistance, it can withstand temperatures up to 300 degrees Celsius,
the outer frame is generally high-temperature resistant metal frame, the outer frame generally has a plate and a partition type,
the filter media is made of high-temperature resistant glass fiber or ultra-fine glass fiber filter paper, special high-temperature resistant sealant sealing assembly,
each unit is strictly tested, the efficiency can reach H13-H14,
They are mainly used in ultra-clean ovens or high-temperature air purification equipment and systems for food, pharmaceutical and other production processes requiring drying.

The filter material of the high-temperature high efficiency air filter is folded 180 degrees on both sides to form a wedge-shaped pleated layer.
The filter material is bent with two indentations to form a wedge-shaped box-pleated layer at the end of the partition, and the wedge-shaped box-pleated layer can
prevent the filter material from breaking.

Some filter manufacturers use a single indentation or roll mark filter media fold layer, or even simply fold the paper manually.
In this inert condition, the filter media can easily be damaged by the sharp fold top of the corrugated spacer, or the filter paper can be damaged during excessive handling, so be sure to check carefully when receiving the product.