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What environments are professional purification equipment suitable for? What are the precautions for

What environments are professional purification equipment suitable for? What are the precautions for use?

Clean rooms, photocopying equipment, anesthetic gas filtration equipment, laser surgery applications, constant temperature rooms, air conditioners, and much more. So what kind of equipment is suitable for what kind of environment?

1. In clean rooms with high requirements for cleanliness, primary, medium, and high-efficiency filters are generally used, including panel air filters, bag air filters, combined air filters, panel air filters without partitions, etc.

2. In a constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning environment, panel-type paper frame filters and panel-type metal frame filters are generally used.

3. In the gas turbine industry, air filters are more often used in the plate, bag, and cylinder types.

4. In large buildings and public places, panel air filters, bag filters, activated carbon filters, and chemical filters are generally used.

5. In clean workshops, FFU fan filter units and other highly intelligent equipment are generally used.

6. The surface coating industry using spraying type generally uses spraying top cotton, high-temperature resistant glass fiber felt, large air volume box type, high-temperature resistant filters with partitions, and other types of equipment.

No matter what kind of filtration equipment after a period of use will encounter a series of problems, and when necessary, we must choose to replace the filtration equipment, so what are the considerations for replacement?

1. The primary and intermediate filters are generally replaced every three months according to the resistance value when working.

2. When the total air supply volume of the whole clean space reaches 70%, all the air filters need to be replaced.

3. If the high-efficiency filter is found to be leaking during use, it needs to be replaced immediately.

4. If the primary and secondary filters are replaced, but the airspeed still does not reach the standard, the high-efficiency filter needs to be replaced.

5. Observe whether the color of the filter material in the air filter has changed, if the color of the filter material has become black then the equipment needs to be replaced.

6. Touch the equipment with your hands, if there is more dust and impurities on your hands, you need to change the equipment.