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What are the structures of a dust-free purification workshop? Things to note when using a dust-free

What are the structures of a dust-free purification workshop? Things to note when using a dust-free purification workshop

     The dust-free purification workshop can be used to provide a good environment and meet the environmental needs of production. What are the structures of a dust-free purification workshop? What are the precautions for using a dust-free purification workshop? Let's go and purify it together.
     What are the structures of a dust-free purification workshop?
     1. The dust-free purification workshop project consists of central air conditioning and air purification systems, which are the heart of the purification system. It mainly controls the number of dust particles in the air of the dust-free purification workshop and regulates the temperature and temperature of the workshop.
    2. The air shower, changing room, and purification room are the three basic components of the workshop purification system. The air shower is a passage in and out of the clean area. The high-speed clean air jetted out can effectively and quickly remove dust and bacteria carried by the human body. The clean room uses interlayer color steel plates to isolate the space and walls, the upper color steel ceiling is suspended, and the floor is paved with epoxy resin.
    The most important function of the dust-free clean workshop project is to control the cleanliness, temperature, and humidity of the atmosphere that products are exposed to so that products can be produced and manufactured in a good environmental space. This space is called a dust-free clean workshop.
   Precautions for using a dust-free purification workshop
   1. Installation electricians and electrical welders must be certified to work.
   2. Personnel participating in construction must carefully study safety operating procedures and establish a job responsibility system.
   3. Two people are required to operate the insulation resistance test to prevent injury from electric shock.
   4. Before the formal electrical project is powered on, the protective grounding wire must be connected reliably and marked.
   5. The sheaths and pads of insulated tools should be intact and not damaged, and severely aged tools should be replaced in time.
   6. Someone must watch the fire when performing electrical welding operations to prevent fire slag from igniting surrounding items. The welding site must be equipped with fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing water. After completing the electrical welding operation, carefully check the site for fire hazards, and only leave the site after confirming that it is safe.