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What are the steps to follow to test a clean bench

What are the steps to follow to test a clean bench

The clean bench principle is: according to the centrifugal fan will be sucked into the gas pre-filtering device, through the static pressure box into the high-efficiency air supply port filtration, the filtered gas to the vertical or horizontal airflow situation to send out so that the actual operating area to achieve the cleanliness level of 1,000 to ensure that the production of manufacturing on the natural environment cleanliness level of the regulations. Testing the clean bench is not clean has become very critical work. Then test the clean bench by what process?

Clean bench wind is blown from the inside out, in the air inlet there is a filter (to be cleaned at regular intervals), so the wind is blown over the filter. Therefore, the first step in testing the clean bench is to check whether the filter is neat.

Clean bench is generally equipped with ultraviolet germicidal lamps, ultraviolet germicidal lamps have antibacterial effects. Every time before the application of the general first with ultraviolet germicidal lamps open for more than twenty minutes, to achieve the actual effect of sterilization. Therefore, the second step of the test clean bench specification is to check the ultraviolet germicidal lamp is not destroyed.
We all understand that ethanol has the role of disinfection, we live and live with ethanol, and then the clean bench is more to use ethanol. Generally in the application before, shall use 75% medical alcohol disinfection to further eliminate germs. Therefore, the third step of the test clean bench specification is to check whether the clean bench with alcohol wipe.

Ethanol is flammable, and because ethanol has a sterilizing effect, ignited out of the fire is also a sterile test. Generally in the application of another point on the alcohol blowtorch, in the fire around the 5cm, the fire on the top 10cm in the sterility test situation. This is because the airflow around the flame flows outward from the flame. Therefore, the fourth step of the test clean bench specification is to check whether there is ignition of alcohol blowtorch.
The fifth step of the test clean bench specification is to check the cleanliness. How to check? The first step is to check the floating dust particles by calculating the floating dust particles and to measure the falling bacteria by using the falling bacteria detector. The second sample to do culture, check the settlement bacteria.