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What are the requirements for the installation and use of a class 1000 clean room?

What are the requirements for the installation and use of a class 1000 clean room?

A clean room means a certain indoor space within the scope of the air the dust particles, hazardous air quality, germs, and other air pollutants to remove, and will be in the room temperature, cleanliness level, room pressure, air velocity, and airflow distribution, noise vibration, and light, static electricity induction effectively controlled in certain requirements of the scope of the space given to the special design program. That is, no matter how the external air quality standards change, the room can have to maintain the original set of cleanliness level, temperature and humidity and working pressure, and other performance characteristics.

Class 1000 clean room means that the total number of floating dust is strictly controlled within 1000 per cubic meter.

Installation and application regulations are as follows:
1). Assembly building clean room project industrial plant all overhaul processing plant by the unified modulus and series of processing success, suitable for mass production, stable quality, fast supply.
2). Thousands of cleanroom projects flexible and mobile, both suitable for the installation of supporting facilities in the industrial plant under construction, but also suitable for the old clean room industrial plant cleaning and technological transformation projects. Inspection and maintenance structure can also make the processing technology regulations arbitrary composition, disassembly, and installation convenient.
3). Thousands of clean room requires less floor space and low provisions for soil decoration and decoration.
4). The natural ventilation method of the clean room is convenient and effective and can meet the needs of various office environments and different cleaning levels.

The main parameters of indoor air quality in the clean room are as follows
(1) Temperature and humidity regulations: temperature is generally 24 +2 ℃, and air humidity is 55 +5%.
Non-unilateral flow purification room 10-30% of the total supply and exhaust air volume; compensation for the exhaust system in the room and the maintenance of positive pressure values in the room required for the amount of air freshness; to ensure that each person in the room per hour of air freshness ≥ 40m³/h.
(2) Large volume of exhaust air. Because of this type of production workshop, the staff is more, can be based on the following standard value should take the following larger value:
(3) large exhaust air volume. To comply with the cleanliness level and humidity and heat balance in the clean room project, the demand for a large amount of air supply and exhaust, 300 square meters of production workshop, ceiling height of 2.5 meters, if it is a thousand, air supply and exhaust on the demand for 300 × 2.5 × 30 = 22,500 cubic meters per hour air supply and exhaust (air exchange, is ≥ 25 times per hour); if it is a hundred thousand level, air supply and exhaust on the demand for 300 × 2.5 × 20 = 15,000 cubic meters per hour. × 20 = 15,000 cubic meters per hour of air supply and exhaust volume (air change, is ≥ 15 times per hour).