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What are the requirements for the angle of the return air louver?

What are the requirements for the angle of the return air louver?

In air purification and ventilation systems, the return air louver plays a vital role. And the angle setting of the return air louver is even more particular.
First of all, let's explain why the angle of the return air louver is important. The angle of the return air louver directly affects the air return effect and the efficiency of the entire ventilation system. If the angle is set improperly, it may lead to poor air circulation, reduce indoor air quality, and increase energy consumption. For example, when the angle of the return air louver is too horizontal, it may slow down the airflow near the return air outlet, causing local air stagnation, which makes it easy to breed bacteria and dust. If the angle is too vertical, the return air speed may be too fast, causing noise, and some larger particles may be directly sucked into the return air system, causing damage to the equipment.
So, how should the angle of the return air louver be set? Generally speaking, the angle of the return air louver should be determined according to the specific usage scenario and the requirements of the ventilation system. In some places with high air quality requirements, such as hospital operating rooms, electronic factories, etc., the angle of the return air louver is usually set relatively horizontally, about 10° to 20°. This allows the air to flow back slowly and evenly, ensuring the cleanliness of the indoor air. In some ordinary office or commercial places, the angle of the return air louver can be slightly larger, about 30° to 40°, to ensure the air circulation speed and ventilation effect.
In addition, factors such as the indoor layout and furniture placement need to be considered. If there are large furniture or obstacles near the return air outlet, the angle of the return air louver may need to be adjusted to avoid air circulation obstruction. At the same time, when installing the return air louver, it should also be ensured that it cooperates with the position and angle of the air supply outlet to form a good air circulation.
If the angle setting of the return air louver is found to be unreasonable, how should it be solved? First of all, the air return effect can be improved by adjusting the blade angle of the return air louver. Generally speaking, the blades of the return air louver can be adjusted manually and can be adjusted according to the actual situation. If the requirements are still not met after adjusting the blade angle, you can consider replacing the return air louver or adjusting the layout of the ventilation system.
In short, the angle setting of the return air louver is a problem that requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. Only by making reasonable settings according to actual conditions can we ensure the efficient operation of the ventilation system, improve the indoor air quality, and create a comfortable and healthy working and living environment for people.