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What are the regulatory requirements for using air showers?

What are the regulatory requirements for using air showers?

Air showers are a type of local purification equipment with strong versatility, mainly used between various types of clean rooms and non-clean rooms. They are widely used in places with high requirements for environmental cleanliness, such as electronics factories, pharmaceutical factories, and food processing plants. Its working principle is to blow high-speed clean airflow over the surface of the human body or objects to remove dust and particles attached to them. Usually, multiple high-efficiency filters are installed in the air shower room, which can filter out particles with a diameter of 0.3 microns and above in the air, and the filtration efficiency can reach 99.99%. When people or objects enter the air shower room, the induction system of the air shower room will automatically start and blow out high-speed airflow, which generally lasts for 20 to 30 seconds.
When using air showers, there are the following regulatory requirements:
I. Preparation before entering the air shower room:
1. Personnel should wear work clothes, hats, masks, etc. that meet the requirements of the clean room and should not carry too many items to enter. Generally speaking, each person should not carry more than 3 kilograms of items to avoid affecting the air shower effect.
2. Before entering the air shower room, you should first tidy up your clothes in the buffer zone to ensure that no hair, fiber, or other debris is exposed.
2. Precautions during the air shower process:
1. After entering the air shower room, you should stand in the center of the air shower area, raise your hands, and slowly rotate your body to ensure that all parts of your body can be showered by the air. The wind speed of the air shower is generally 20 to 25 meters per second. At this wind speed, dust particles on the surface of the human body can be effectively blown off.
2. The door of the air shower room must not be forcibly opened during the air shower process to avoid destroying the airflow balance of the air shower room and affecting the purification effect. If you need to open the door in an emergency, you should press the emergency stop button first.
Some people may ask, what if the air shower room fails? If the air shower room fails during use, it should be stopped immediately and professional maintenance personnel should be notified for inspection. While waiting for maintenance, you can use a spare air shower room or take other temporary purification measures to ensure that the air quality of the clean room is not affected.
To ensure the normal operation of the air shower room, it should be maintained regularly. For example, check the status of the high-efficiency filter once a week. If the filter is found to be damaged or blocked, it should be replaced in time. Clean and lubricate the fan of the air shower room once every three months to ensure the normal operation of the fan. At the same time, the control system of the air shower room should be checked regularly to ensure the normal operation of the sensing system, timing system, etc.
In short, strictly abide by the use specifications of the air shower room and do a good job of daily maintenance to give full play to the purification function of the air shower room and provide a good air quality guarantee for various clean places.