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What are the reasons why negative pressure weighing chambers are central to cleanrooms?

What are the reasons why negative pressure weighing chambers are central to cleanrooms?

    Now the biopharmaceutical, food processing, and other industries want to continue to develop, then we must meet the new version of the new GMP standards, the company must be from the equipment, staff, manufacturing process, transport and packaging process, these aspects to meet the national health standards.GMP standards are to require the company to have a good setup, standardized transport processes, quality testing, and other aspects of the function. So in the field of biopharmaceutical, food processing, and other industries equipment is the key, negative pressure weighing room is the core.
   1, negative pressure weighing room is a very common local purification equipment, in pharmaceutical and microbiological research and some other places, that has been very much in use. The weighing room is mainly used for the proportion of drugs weighing, dust, reagent weighing, and packaging, can control dust, reagent spillage, and uplift, to prevent dust, and reagent inhalation hazards to the human body, but also to avoid dust, reagent cross-pollution, to protect the external environment and the safety of indoor personnel.
    2, in pharmaceutical companies, drug weighing is an unavoidable problem. Weighing process, not only to avoid weighing the number of errors but also to prevent the drug from being contaminated by the external environment. According to the requirements of the new version of GMP negative pressure weighing room can solve this problem. A negative pressure weighing room can not only provide a clean isolated weighing environment but also solve the problem of cleaning after weighing.