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What are the precautions for using a negative pressure weighing chamber?

What are the precautions for using a negative pressure weighing chamber?

      The weighing room has some role firmly believe that we all know, but sometimes there will be some adverse reactions, a company in the processing of raw materials to carry out the weighing in the weighing cover to carry out, a batch of raw materials from the warehouse to lead the 80Kg, divided into four weighing, each 20Kg, weighing, after the discovery of the results of the total weight less than 1Kg. electronic weighing precision is very high, if it is said to be the weighing of the bias, how can not be believed? How can not believe it?
       After that, check the weighing hood dust-catching equipment filters, there is 0.7 kg of dirty powder. Originally, weighing hood wind speed was relatively high, the enterprise is also the application of a large stainless steel basin weighing, the air flow rushed to the basin in the case of site dust, site dust is a dust removal device reasonable capture.
This dust-capture device is very awesome! The general dust-catching exhaust port is all in the weighing table under the right rear, The weighing table's hollow carving can make the wind speed proportional, but weighing raw materials, basin block airflow, and wind speed are big words, naturally very easy to a lot of dust. There are also companies designed to weigh the cover, actually in the weighing table on the upper side of the weighing object to open a dust-catching air vent. In that case, the dust can be captured at the least distance. However, the airflow will not have reached the weighing cabinet countertop, it has long been sucked away by the exhaust port, weighing table very easy to produce swirls and even vortex, a lot of dust.
      Therefore, the application of a weighing hood, dust removal device settings, exhaust air velocity, exhaust parts, and smooth airflow pattern, is very important.