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What are the possible problems with the design of air filters?

What are the possible problems with the design of air filters?

I. Reinforcement calibration of filter openings

For the filter equipment import and export of two large receivers using reinforcement ring calibration is very thorough, and for small receiver reinforcement regardless of how thick the reinforcement ring can not pass, what is the reason? The large thickness of the reinforcement ring is generally 30mm, and the thickness of the reinforcement ring and shell is limited to: the thickness of the reinforcement ring is less than or equal to 1.5δ shell nominal thickness δ ≤ 38mm, otherwise it should not use the method of reinforcement ring, but should use the overall reinforcement or the overall forging reinforcement method.

II. The flange cover of the filter is difficult to rotate

Encounter such a problem can be set up at the top of the filter flange, to meet the requirements of our need to frequently remove and replace the filter element, due to the internal diameter of the equipment cylinder being 800mm, so after research, combined with the actual, we installed the bearing of the rotating arm, to facilitate the rotation.

III. Corrosion of the inner parts of the filter

Corrosion problem is encountered in many equipments, for which we can fasten the bolts of the cartridge inside the tank, if the choice is carbon steel material, then it is more difficult to consider the problem of corrosion, so it is more suitable to choose stainless steel material.

IV. Drainage of the filter

If the drainage condition of the equipment is not ideal, a flange can be set at the bottom of the equipment, the so-called flange can also be used as a hand hole to check whether the filter produces cracks, deformation, corrosion, and other problems in the process of use. After a period of use, dirt, mucus, and other impurities can be removed manually.

V. Sealing performance of the filter

Now we use a lot of filter media that are flammable substances, so the problem of leakage cannot occur, so it is necessary to test its air tightness before use to check whether the equipment has a small penetration deficiency.

VI. Conclusion on the design of the filter

The design of the filter at the beginning can affect the actual use in the future, and after our professionals have taken these methods to improve the design, the air filter has been used for two years, which proves that the effect of such design is very good.