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What are the main differences between non-septum high-efficiency liquid tank filters and common high

What are the main differences between non-septum high-efficiency liquid tank filters and common high-efficiency non-septum filters?

1. Its appearance is not the same: high-efficiency filter liquid tank seal than the common high-efficiency non-spacer filter more than a liquid tank edge, the filtration area is not the same, the same size of the liquid tank filter filtration area is lower than the non-spacer filter, liquid tank high-efficiency with a liquid tank around the edge, so its installation sealing is not the same: high efficiency is sealed through the air inlet surface or the air outlet surface of the sealing tape and the sealing of the box between the liquid tank high-efficiency filters are The liquid tank filter is sealed with the box through the liquid tank adhesive in the liquid tank side, which has a better sealing effect.

2. The price and cost are different: it is because the liquid tank sealing of the high-efficiency filter has one more liquid tank edge, and the injected liquid tank adhesive is a high-cost raw material, so the price of the non-spacer liquid tank filter is higher than that of the non-spacer high-efficiency filter.

It is worth noting that, during the installation of the non-septum liquid tank filter, you should carefully read the instructions and install it according to the requirements, or consult the manufacturer for professional guidance. For example, when installing, you need to check whether the direction of the arrow of the outer frame is consistent with the direction of gas flow. In addition, when installing the high-efficiency filter, it is necessary to hold it gently and put it down lightly, not to use hammers and other heavy objects for staking, and at the same time, it is necessary to clean in advance in the installation area to avoid indoor dust contamination of the filter.