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What are the key points to consider when designing infectious disease isolation rooms and clean oper

What are the key points to consider when designing infectious disease isolation rooms and clean operating theatres?

1. Two levels of isolation may be used in airborne, highly infectious isolation wards.
Primary isolation is between infectious patients and medical staff, primarily for the protection of medical staff.
These include medical staff wearing protective clothing, eye protection, daytime masks, and patients wearing masks.
Secondary isolation is primarily concerned with preventing the penetration of pathogenic factors into the external environment and preventing infection of people outside the isolation ward:
measures include rational leveling and division, maintenance of pressure gradients in air conditioning and ventilation systems, and control of air circulation.
direction, drainage treatment, automatic control systems, etc. The core of secondary isolation is the building layout and the air conditioning and ventilation system.

2. There are two types: protective, positive room pressure; infectious (isolation), e.g. tuberculosis, chickenpox, etc. negative room pressure.  

3. Wards should not be equipped with fan coils and returned to the city.
For individual patients, high-efficiency filters should be used to exhaust the exhaust air.
However, the system can be shared by all rooms and the exhaust air outlet should be located near the head of the bed. 

4. There should be one anteroom and two anterooms are necessary. 

5. The negative pressure isolation ward has a negative pressure differential: 15pa, an inefficient air supply, and an efficient exhaust air, which needs to be treated with fresh air, with an air supply of 10-15 times/hour. 

6. There should be a separate air conditioning system that can run for 24 hours.