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What are the factors that affect the operating efficiency of filtration equipment?

What are the factors that affect the operating efficiency of filtration equipment?

   As we all know, in our modern life, the filter is one of the daily equipment that can not be missing, so we need to master the correct use of the method, and today we will introduce you to the factors that can easily affect the efficiency of the filtering equipment, how to overcome these factors is what we need to know!
First, the uniformity of water flow
   As many people know, the process of running the equipment encountered resistance is very large, the density of the water flow below is much greater than the density of the top, this time due to the resistance of the pipeline and the cartridge makes the amplitude of the water flow decreases, the efficiency of filtration will also be reduced. How to solve this problem? It is important to maintain the stability of the water flow, which is an effective method.
Second, the difference in water quality before and after filtration
   Sewage generally contains more impurities, many of which are large particles of suspended solids, which produce greater resistance, in general, before the filtration of the flow rate will be much lower than the flow rate of the filtration, coupled with the residual suspended solids in the water is permeable, able to penetrate to the bottom of the filter layer, we need to increase the coagulation of the role of the equipment to improve filtration results.
Third, the speed of the backwash
   Now there are a lot of filtering equipment using automatic backwash technology, and how the cartridge, and filter bag for good cleaning is to ensure that the primary factor of filtration efficiency, so we need to continue to strengthen the strength and speed of the backwash, so that the pollutants in the water from the filter media to achieve the effect of the backwash, and timely exclusion of pollutants to improve the efficiency of the equipment is very helpful.
   In the operation of the filter equipment, the above problems are often encountered, but there is no need to be nervous, as long as we introduce you to the method, these factors affecting the operating efficiency of the filter equipment can be well resolved, for you to improve the efficiency of the work.