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What are the factors affecting airflow in a clean room?

What are the factors affecting airflow in a clean room?

Clean room to send air - filtration and purification - return air as a cycle, can make the indoor environment of dust, bacteria, particles, and other solid particles greatly reduced, to achieve the appropriate degree of cleanliness to meet the production needs. Simply put, the clean room project is a project related to "airflow", so in the operation of the clean room, the airflow is affected by those factors?

I. Airflow form

Airflow form is generally divided into turbulence and laminar flow, turbulence is an irregular airflow, and laminar flow refers to the parallel flow of airflow. Turbulence is the principle of purification "dilution", the principle of purification of laminar flow is "piston push out" - the clean room as a cylinder, then the laminar flow is a piston, clean fresh air directly to the Clean fresh air directly push out the indoor air. In the choice of airflow form, the need to take into account several factors for integrated consideration.

II. Influencing factors

1. The speed of the airflow flow by the indoor cleanliness level, in the corresponding cleanliness level of the filter efficiency will affect the speed of the airflow, if the indoor dust-producing equipment, can be used to lower the efficiency of the filters and speed up the speed of air exchange to ensure indoor cleanliness, or the use of high-efficiency filters to reduce the speed of the airflow, to save energy.

2. The airflow will form a retreat when encountering obstacles, and the continuous transmission of fresh air will lead to the formation of a vortex in place. Therefore, the instruments and equipment in the clean room should be placed reasonably. Can be drilled in the operation of the desktop return air holes, which will make the vortex phenomenon cut to a lower level, in the choice of indoor decoration materials should also be reasonable and compliant, well in advance of the planning of the equipment, as far as possible to avoid the airflow into the vortex.

3. There are many factors affecting the airflow of the dust-free equipment, such as process equipment, personnel, finishing room assembling materials, lighting apparatus, etc. will have a certain influence on the airflow rate, so we should also pay attention to the airflow diversion point on the surface of different types of equipment, and it should be set in the clean room space with the spacing of the partition wall plate at 2/3 place, which ensures that the operators are working, and the airflow can flow from the inside of the process area to the operation area, and the dust will be taken away, if the diversion point is configured in the front of the process area. If the diversion point is configured in front of the process area, it will become an improper airflow diversion, at this time, most of the airflow will flow after the process area, and the dust caused by the operator's operation will be brought to the back of the equipment, and the workbench will be contaminated, and the yield rate is bound to be reduced.