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What are the control requirements for air cleanliness in the electronics industry?

What are the control requirements for air cleanliness in the electronics industry?

    With the continuous improvement of the social economy and the increasing miniaturization of processing dimensions, the electronic production process not only puts forward higher and higher requirements for the air cleanliness level of purification engineering companies but also imposes increasing requirements on the adhesion of particles and damage to chips during the entire product production process. Issues such as this have put forward increasingly higher requirements. Electronic product dust-free workshops have strict requirements for air cleanliness and the control of various impurities.
    Production environment control is to control various pollutants related to the product production process. Among them, the control of particles in the production environment is a very important content. At present, 45nm extremely large-scale integrated circuits have been put into production, which require air cleanliness control in dust-free workshops and particle size control within a few microns.
    The dust-free workshops of the electronics industry are increasingly adopting multi-functional modular building forms. The integration of electronic product production processes and manufacturing equipment, the level of process control automation, and the improvement of safety facilities have greatly reduced the number of workers required in the production process. These factors have improved the stability, safety, and reliability of the electronic product production process, and created good conditions for the production environment.
    Electronic products not only have strict requirements on the air cleanliness of the production environment but also have very strict requirements on the impurity content of various high-purity media that are in direct contact with the production process. Some electronic products also have stricter requirements on vibration, power supply, etc.