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What are the characteristics of the use of dense pleated v-filters?

What are the characteristics of the use of dense pleated v-filters?

Densely pleated v-filter also treats activated carbon according to customer demand, with formulas formulated by professionals, so that its performance in removing certain harmful gases in the air is greatly improved.

The following points should be noted when using it.

1. The pressure of the fittings of the closely pleated v-filter is very important, and the pressure value must be determined. Must not exceed the high pressure value of the filter. This will ensure the normal use of W-type high-efficiency filters and can ensure the safety of the use process.

2. Before installation, the clean room must be cleaned in many ways, and the Hoover equipped with ultra-clean filter bags should be used to vacuum the dust to ensure the cleanliness of the installation environment.

3. After the hygienic cleaning to meet the requirements, must be a purified air conditioning system test run. Lasts more than 12 hours. Then repeat the cleaning after the installation of w-type high-efficiency filters.

4. Be sure to hold lightly during transport to prevent violent vibration and collision affecting the performance of the equipment, the transport and storage of the filter should be placed by the manufacturer's requirements.

5. Before installation, the equipment must be inspected, whether the parts are complete, whether the dimensions meet the requirements, whether there is a certificate of conformity, and whether the technical performance meets the design requirements.