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What are the characteristics of the air filters used in clean equipment?

What are the characteristics of the air filters used in clean equipment?

I. Large air volume of the equipment

Large air volume is a big requirement for air filter equipment, and the common air equipment is made of an aluminum alloy frame structure, if the thickness of the panel and the strength of the frame is not enough, it is easy to cause the phenomenon of deformation of air equipment, so this equipment should first meet the requirements of high strength when designing, to get the use of clean occasions.

II. High-pressure head of the fan

Clean room in general will use the combination of primary, medium, and high three filters, and the sum of the resistance of these three devices in 700 - 800 Pa, if you want to overcome this resistance, it requires the fan to have enough pressure head, so the fan is generally used after the curved wing type modeling, only then can achieve a high enough return air pressure head.

III. Good temperature and humidity control

Clean room for the strict control of temperature and humidity is to meet the needs of various production processes, especially in some electronic products manufacturing requirements are even more stringent, so to achieve constant temperature, and constant humidity requirements, we need fans with cooling, heating, humidification, dehumidification, and several functions, but also precision control.

IV. Control of positive and negative pressure

To prevent the clean room operation process, the polluted air into the clean area, so the positive and negative pressure must be strictly controlled, and in the actual application, the clean room is used to maintain the positive pressure method, but for some production of toxic, harmful gases or flammable and explosive solvent clean room, the use of negative pressure control is a better method.

V. Good operation of the filtration system

The control of microorganisms, dust, and other contaminants in clean equipment depends mainly on the performance of the filtration equipment, and the general clean room air needs to go through three levels of filtration, and the filtration equipment used must be of good quality, if the equipment leaks it will not play its role.