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What are the advantages of HEPA filters?

What are the advantages of HEPA filters?

Find out about the use of high-efficiency filters in laminar airflow and what advantages they have. So what is laminar flow, one might say? I would say in layman's terms that it is a layer of air in a room, such as a clean room where the dust particles move in laminar flow, which means the operation of dust particles in the air.
In air conditioning systems, clean rooms, or clean rooms, the air inside is non-laminar, meaning; the air is mixed with suspended particles quickly, but also to make the indoor stationary particles re-flown, part of the air can also appear stagnant state.  
The following are the applications of high-efficiency filters for laminar flow.   
1. The air in the clean room has no vortex, dust, or adhering bacteria that are not easily transferred elsewhere by diffusion, but can only be discharged;   
2. The air has been filtered through the high-efficiency air filter to achieve sterility requirements into the indoor laminar flow;   
3. The air is in the form of laminar flow movement so that all suspended particles in the room are in the laminar flow layer movement, it can avoid agglomeration into large particles;   
4. For the new indoor pollutants can be quickly laminar air away, exhausted to the outdoors;   
5. The relative increase in air velocity, so that the particles floating in the air, and will not accumulate and settle down, while the indoor air will not appear stagnant state, can be spared drug powder cross-contamination, the above is the application of high-efficiency air filters on the air laminar flow.     

Now a lot of air filters use materials anti-corrosion are the type of anti-corrosion paint, but the inner layer also needs to do a good job of anti-corrosion layer to have a better effect, after a period of maintenance will fall off to affect the performance of the filtration equipment, but also shorten the service life of the equipment, but also affect the media treatment effect.
So where is the reason for the corrosion of the shell of the equipment, and what other more serious impact will be caused?  
I, the use of poor material performance anti-corrosion paint is suitable for a variety of steel clear water tanks, oil storage tanks, and water transmission and other pipelines of the inner wall corrosion treatment, their hardness is relatively low, the performance of chemical solvent resistance is relatively good, but its adhesion, the impact strength is not enough, not suitable for use in the high production requirements of sewage treatment equipment.   
II, not enough drying time Many times after we brush the anti-corrosion layer, keep the ventilation time sufficient, and the drying time must be ≥ 12h so that such problems can be spared.   
III, the thickness of the coating is not enough for air filter shell equipment processing regulations state that if the processing medium corrosion intensity is relatively high, the low thickness of the anti-corrosion protective layer should reach 0.15 - 0.2mm, and many manufacturers save costs and reduce the thickness to 0.1mm, so naturally it can not reach the design of industrial specifications of the low requirements, directly affecting the anti-corrosion effect The effect of anti-corrosion is directly affected. 
IV, surface treatment is not complete in the production of air filters, if the manual rust removal is not complete, can not meet the relevant grade requirements, the combination of primer and top coat is poor and adhesion is not enough, it will directly affect the effect of anti-corrosion.   
V. Construction is not standardized This may be due to human factors, in the construction process do not pay attention to the proper care of the anti-corrosion layer, many steel materials will scratch the internal anti-corrosion layer; there are also in the filling of the filter material if you do not pay attention to lightly hold and lightly put, and the particle size, high hardness of the pebbles directly into the bottom of the filter is also will destroy the internal anti-corrosion layer.