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What are the acceptance criteria for air shower room

What are the acceptance criteria for air shower room

I. The high-efficiency air filter used in the air shower room, generally needs to check the filter device itself is not leaking, or installed when there are systematic loopholes, resulting in a lot of dust in the air blowing to the body or goods.

II. Air shower room in the work, is not able to achieve a certain degree of blowing the actual effect, which is difficult to guarantee. Because the actual effect of dust removal in the air shower room is generally by the construction of the air shower room, blowing cyclone wind size and cyclone orientation, and other decisions customers in the purchase of the air shower room have decided everything, project acceptance, even if the problem is found that there is no way to make changes. For the noise, such as no special requirements, if the wind shower room in the work when there is no abnormal noise can be accepted.

III. Air shower room engineering construction and construction acceptance specification provisions are binding air shower room manufacturers in the installation of air shower room when the work of the norms, in the air shower room installation engineering construction process is more effective and reduces the emergence of unforeseen matters. Strictly ensure that the air shower room purification equipment product quality, and air shower room purification equipment commodity technical parameters.