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Things to note when choosing a medium efficiency filter

Things to note when choosing a medium efficiency filter

I. Conditions of treatment

In the process of production, temperature, volatility, and a variety of toxic material, for these factors we must take into account, if the temperature of the material is high, then vacuum filtration is more difficult, this time choose the pressurized filtration method is more suitable.
If the material to be filtered contains strong toxicity, it must be filtered in an airtight way to avoid serious pollution hazards caused by material leakage.

II. Equipment processing capacity

The number of materials to be filtered in industrial production is very large, so we choose to use continuous or automated filtration equipment is right, if the number of materials to be processed is relatively small, then the use of intermittent filtration equipment appears to be more economical.

III. The purpose of filtration

Before choosing must be clear about the purpose of different filtration, for example, some pollutants contain valuable objects, this time we should not only filter the pollution but also make reasonable use of it.

IV. Performance of filtration

Before choosing the filtering equipment to be used, we must first have a clear understanding of the material to be filtered in the production process, and if necessary, the concentration of the material and the particle size of the solid particles can be measured, and according to the measured structure, we can initially judge what kind of filtering equipment should be chosen.

V. Structure of the equipment

According to the performance of the material choosing the equipment mechanism, if the material is not strongly corrosive, then the material requirements do not need to be too high, and in the structure of the design should try to consider the structure of simple equipment, to avoid unnecessary trouble caused by maintenance.

VI. Filtering media

Filter media is also a factor that can directly affect the ability and accuracy of filtration, if the choice is not appropriate, even if it is more advanced equipment, can not play a good role, and with the continuous development of our social industry, a variety of filter media have appeared in our lives.
How to make a reasonable choice is a more important issue, in addition to the points we mentioned above, must also pay attention to whether the price is reasonable, whether the source is sufficient, and so on.