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There are two major points to pay attention to when using the primary filter in the dust-free worksh

There are two major points to pay attention to when using the primary filter in the dust-free workshop

    The primary filter in the dust-free workshop is a type of air purification. What is the primary filter? Speaking of filters, I believe everyone is familiar with them. They are generally used in purification workshops, clean rooms, and some industrial air-conditioning systems. They are an indispensable part of pre-filtration. However, we all know the primary filter during use. Device? What do you need to pay attention to when using it? Specific Changrui air filter manufacturers will explain to you one by one:
    When using the primary filter in the dust-free workshop, why should we pay attention to the filtration results? If the filtration results are unsatisfactory, it may be that the filtration is not working reasonably, or there may be a problem with the filter. When using the primary-effect filter, users should regularly record every data in the filtration system to determine whether the efficiency and cleanliness of the filtration operation meet the regulations. If it does not meet the specified status, the problem with the primary-effect filter should be determined. If there is a problem with the primary filter, you should determine who should solve the problem.
    Of course, when using the primary filter in a dust-free workshop, it is particularly important to clean and replace the primary filter regularly. The reason for cleaning the filter is that as the filtration work proceeds, a lot of pollutants are attached to the primary filter. When the filter reaches saturation, the filtering effect decreases. At this time, the filter needs to be replaced, cleaned, and then installed in the filtration system. Medium filter.