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The workflow of an air shower room

The workflow of an air shower room

The whole process of blowing the shower can be divided into
opening the outer door of the air shower room
opening the electric lock of the inner door
entering the air shower room
close the outer door (this time there will be a voice prompt to stand in the induction area)
the inner and outer doors automatically close
infrared induction starts blowing shower
blowing shower is completed (with voice prompt)
after entering the clean room.

1. When the person entering the clean area opens the outer door, the electric lock of the inner door will automatically lock to prevent the air not purified in the air shower room from flowing into the clean area, the lighting of the air shower room will be on and the work indicator outside the door will be on;

2. After entering the air shower room, according to the voice prompt to stand in the induction area, the infrared probe in the system begins to detect whether there is someone, if there is someone will automatically turn into the state of air shower;

3. After the inner and outer doors of the air shower room are locked, the fan automatically starts blowing and at the same time starts timing;

4. If the system does not detect someone in the air shower room within the specified time after the external door is closed, the internal and external doors of the system will automatically unlock and return to the standby state;

5. In the process of blowing the shower, press the upward adjustment, downward adjustment, and lighting switch, there will be a voice will prompt you not to touch the switch casually;

6. In the process of blowing the shower if someone presses the emergency stop switch, it will immediately end the wind shower, press the emergency stop key again to cancel the emergency stop state;

7. Blowing shower after the end of the inner door will automatically unlock, voice prompts blowing shower finished;

8. Out of the air shower room and close the inner door, the system will return to the initial state;

9. If the inner door is unlocked after the completion of the blowing shower, and the person inside does not leave the air shower room at the specified time, the system will default to the person has left and automatically return to the standby state;

10. After the lighting in the air shower room is lit, it will be automatically extinguished if it is not triggered again within the specified time.