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The two basic mechanisms of filtration equipment performance

The two basic mechanisms of filtration equipment performance

Dynamic performance
The captured dust in the air creates additional resistance to the airflow, so the resistance of the equipment increases gradually during use and the captured dust forms a new obstacle when the filtration efficiency improves slightly.
Most of the captured dust in the air collects on the windward side of the filter material, so the larger the area of the filter media the more dust it can hold and the longer the service life of the equipment.

The more serious the dust accumulation on the filter media, the greater the resistance of the equipment, and when the resistance reaches a level that cannot be reached in the design, the life of the equipment will be terminated, and sometimes the excessive resistance will also make the dust already captured on the equipment fly apart, and if this happens then the equipment should be replaced in time.

Operating resistance
When the equipment is running, the fibers in it will make the airflow around and produce resistance, and the sum of the resistance of the numerous fibers is the resistance of the filtration equipment, and the resistance will increase with the increase of the airflow.

When the resistance reaches a certain value, the equipment will be scrapped.
The resistance of newly purchased equipment is called the "initial resistance" and the corresponding resistance at the time of scrapping is called the "final resistance".
The choice of final resistance has a direct impact on the service life of the equipment, the change in air volume, and the energy consumption.
In general, the final resistance is chosen to be two to four times the initial resistance.

Low-efficiency equipment will usually use ≥ 10mm diameter coarse fiber filter cotton, because the gap between the fibers is relatively large, so the resistance is likely to blow the equipment on the accumulation of ash, the resistance is no longer higher, but the filtration efficiency is still not improved, so you want to reduce the resistance of a good way is to clean up the equipment in time.
Each piece of equipment should be installed with a resistance monitoring device, the resistance value should be determined by a professional instrument, rather than relying on our feelings in use.