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The role of high-efficiency air filter in ultra-clean workbench

The role of high-efficiency air filter in ultra-clean workbench

    The purification workbench is the most simple clean equipment that has reached level 100. What is the role of a high-efficiency air filter in the ultra-clean workbench? Let’s learn about the purification reasons and structural reasons for the air filter of the ultra-clean workbench so that we can more conveniently select high-efficiency air filtration in the future replacement of high-efficiency air filters, thereby improving our work efficiency and purchasing ultra-clean work Taiwan chooses Qilvjing to purchase ultra-clean workbench.
    There are two types of clean workbench, one is a vertical flow clean workbench, that is, the air flow direction in the work area is vertical, and the other is a horizontal flow, that is, the air flows horizontally through the work area. Generally, vertical flow clean workbench is the most common, so this article mainly introduces vertical flow clean workbench.
    There are two modes of air circulation in the clean bench: open loop and closed loop.
    For ultra-clean workbench, the most important thing is the process of air circulation and filtration. This is the basic means adopted by all ultra-clean workbenchs to achieve the purpose of cleanliness. In this process, the fan plays the heart role: it pumps the box The air in the body circulates and renews continuously; the box is like the human body, its airtightness prevents the turbid air from the outside from invading, and provides air duct for air circulation; the high-efficiency air filter captures the air Dust, making the air passing through it clean. Here, it should be noted that not everything in the ultra-clean workbench is clean. The filter and air circulation mode can only ensure that the air is pure in some spaces after leaving the filter outlet. Generally, this space is called the work area. It is safe to operate only in this area. And the dirtiest thing, needless to say, is the filter itself.
    The main feature of the open-loop air circulation mode is as follows: in each cycle, all air is taken in from the outside and eventually returned to the environment. Generally, horizontal flow clean workbenches adopt the open-loop mode. This type of ultra-clean workbench has a simple structure and low cost, but the load on the fan and filter is large, which will hurt its lifespan. At the same time, the cleaning efficiency of completely open-loop air circulation is not high, and the exhausted air may carry bacteria in some samples, which may cause harm to the environment. Usually only used in situations with low cleanliness requirements or no biological hazards.
    The closed-loop air circulation pattern is as follows:
    Its main feature is that in each cycle, all air is taken in from the outside and eventually returned to the environment. Generally, horizontal flow clean workbenches adopt open-loop mode. This type of ultra-clean workbench has a simple structure and low cost, but the load on the fan and filter is large, which will hurt its lifespan. At the same time, the cleaning efficiency of completely open-loop air circulation is not high, and the exhausted air may carry bacteria in some samples, which may cause harm to the environment. Usually only used in situations with low cleanliness requirements or no biological hazards.
    It can be seen that the closed-loop mode is not a completely closed-air circulation. In each cycle, 30% of the air will be discharged into the environmental space, but these discharged gases have been filtered by an external high-efficiency air filter. 70% of the gas flows through the working area and then re-enters the next cycle through the diversion hole. Compared with the air sucked in from the outside, these gases are relatively pure, so the load on the filter is smaller and the service life is longer. This air circulation mode is currently used in mainstream products.
     Everyone has their own opinions on this issue. Here are just some suggestions for your reference. No matter how the salesperson shows off all kinds of novel technologies in front of you, you must pay attention to the fans and filters used in this ultra-clean workbench. These two things represent the technical level of the product and cannot be faked. Unfortunately, the domestic level of fans and high-efficiency air filters is much worse than that of foreign products, so domestically produced high-end products generally use imported filters and fans. A clean workbench consists of the three most basic parts: a high-efficiency air filter, a box, and a fan. Only the above three parts can constitute a clean workbench. Of course, no one will buy such a product, so manufacturers will Load it up with a lot of auxiliary systems, some useful, some boring.
    The ultra-clean workbench is a special kind of workbench. Imported products will use a lot of space to tell you how to clean and disinfect them. A better clean bench will have many accessories, most of which are related to cleaning and disinfection. The purchased ultra-clean bench should at least be able to install an ultraviolet lamp for disinfection and sterilization. You might as well ask the supplier what they do for customers' cleaning and disinfection. If you find that a certain product is not suitable for cleaning, don't consider it. It may have good performance and low price, but it will be very inconvenient to use for a long time.