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The role of efficient air purification equipment in the clean room

The role of efficient air purification equipment in the clean room

I. Analysis of the composition of a clean room

1. Ceiling: which includes boom, outline beam, lattice beam, etc.;

2. Partition board: including windows, doors, and other basic configurations;

3. Air conditioning system: including the air duct, purification system, fresh air system, etc;

4. Flooring: generally elevated flooring, anti-static flooring, self-flowing flooring, etc;

5. Lighting system: purification lamp, fire lamp, sterilization lamp, etc. can be chosen.

II. The use of clean room principles

1. Dust ban: that is to say, in the entire clean room to prohibit the phenomenon of dust pollution, and even will specify the amount of airflow in a specific range;

2. With dust: This refers to the prohibition of staff entering the clean room with dust, which needs to be solved by the air shower room blowing;

3. Dust production: It is forbidden to produce dust inside the clean room, that is to say, it is forbidden to pollute all things that may appear, and all the interior of the room adopts the design of internal and external rounded edges to prevent the blind area of pollution cleaning.

After reading the introduction to the clean room, we can come to know in detail the role of efficient air purification equipment in the whole room!

1. To make the air in a clean room to achieve the purpose of complete purification, the use of efficient air purification equipment is the basic method, after a series of equipment filtration, dehumidification, heating, and other processing, the room can achieve dust-free, sterile, fresh air;

2. Generally speaking, the method of air filtration is divided into surface filtration and deep filtration. And laminar clean air technology is one of the more ideal, which also includes horizontal laminar flow, and vertical laminar flow of these two, cleanliness can reach 100 levels, has been used.