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The role and service life of primary filters

The role and service life of primary filters

If we are to say the importance of the air conditioning primary filter in the air conditioning fan, then we must first explain the positioning of the primary air filter, filtering dust particles greater than 5um (micron) in diameter. Due to the role played by the primary filter in the entire air conditioning fan front-end filtration, the large dust particles, and solid waste are kept out. This allows the end of the medium efficiency bag filter to have a longer service life.

The role of the air conditioning primary filter in the air conditioning:

1. To dispose of indoor air pollution, such as dust, effectively and provide fresher air.

2. Effectively prevent the appearance of stains around the air outlet of the air conditioner and increase the service life of the equipment.

3. In different levels of clean rooms to play a corresponding standard requirements, clean room if you want to reach a certain level of cleanliness, it is necessary to install the primary filter, for the air into the room for effective filtration.

The service life of air conditioning primary filters:

1. Nowadays, the application of the primary filter in various purification systems is increasing, and customers are very concerned about the service life and replacement cycle of this primary filter. In actual use, it is difficult to predict the service life of the primary filter, because if the dust in the use environment is too much, then the service life of the primary filter will be shortened.

2. It is recommended that the primary air filters in air conditioning and ventilation systems be replaced and dipped once every 3-6 months, while the medium efficiency bag air filters are generally replaced and dipped once every 6 months. This is beneficial to the cleanliness of the air but also allows the service life of the air filter to be extended.

3. The primary filter can be scrapped and replaced by a new one after 1 washing. However, there is no lack of customers who do not clean and directly use the new primary air filter for half a year, the difference is just a matter of air freshness.