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The principle of air filter purification and the process

The principle of air filter purification and the process

I. Purification principle of the equipment

1. The equipment is manufactured using a production process that produces fewer pollutants;

2. When using the equipment, we must take the necessary measures to isolate the negative pressure to prevent the production of pollutants from spreading to the surrounding area;

3. Minimise the possibility of contamination being brought into the room by people and objects in use;

4. If necessary, strengthen the management of the indoor environment of the equipment and carry out regular cleaning and sterilization work;

5. The use of the process can not appear in the human flow, logistics cross each other's phenomenon.

II. Purification process of the equipment

1. Interception: When the air pollution particles move to the surface of the fiber or nearby, the distance from its center line to the surface of the fiber is usually less than the radius of the particles, then the dust particles will be intercepted by the fiber of the filter material and deposited;

2. Inertia: When the air pollution particles have a larger mass or run faster, the particles will collide on the surface of the fibers because of inertia, thus depositing;

3. Diffusion: air particles of small particle size show Brownian motion, it is easy to collide with the surface of the fiber;

4. Gravity: air pollution particles through the fiber layer will also be deposited because of the role of gravity;

5. Static electricity: the fibers or particles in the air may be electrically charged, thus creating an electrostatic effect that attracts the particles and adsorbs them to the surface of the fibers.

Of course, in the process of using these devices we also need to pay attention to the fact that as more and more dust is trapped in the device, the filtration efficiency of the filter layer decreases, and thus the resistance increases, and when the resistance value or efficiency of the device drops to a specific value, we need to replace the filter device in time, to ensure the cleanliness of the purification and filtration.

Air filters commonly used filter media are generally non-woven, chemical fibers, glass fibers, etc.
The advantage of these devices is that they operate at a rated air volume with less resistance, so the higher the efficiency of filtration, the more convenient it is to replace and maintain them, and they apply to many fields.