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The material classification of the high efficiency air filter has these types

The material classification of the high efficiency air filter has these types

High-efficiency air filter specifications are complete use is very wide, for the end of the purification equipment plays a major role, qualified high-quality products are particularly important, so high-efficiency filter material in the selection of a lot of research, processing often said filter media and frame, other parts of how to choose a good filter material, what specific places need to pay attention to?

In the material there a very key component is the divider, can use aluminum foil, plastic plate, offset printing paper, etc., no divider filter separator, can use hot sol, glass fiber paper strips, flame retardant wire, etc., for high efficiency and ultra-high efficiency filter separator material should meet these three conditions: 1, aluminum foil should be in line with the provisions of GB/T 3198; 2, the use of paper separator, the surface can be used by dipping glue treatment When using plastic partitions, the temperature resistance should be not less than 500.

Next is the binder and sealant: the binder is used for the splicing and repair of the filter material and the bonding of the gasket and the frame, and its shear strength and tensile strength should be higher than that of the filter material. The sealant is used for the sealing of the filter element and the frame, and should be able to cure at room temperature and pressure, and ensure that the filter does not crack, does not deglue, and has elasticity when operating under 10 times the initial resistance. When the customer has special requirements for the performance of the release of organic matter in the high-efficiency filter products, the performance of the binder and sealant should be able to meet the customer's requirements for the release of gas.

Then is the gasket: 1, the gasket should be selected to have the elasticity of closed-hole materials that are not easy to age; 2, the hardness of the gasket (tested by Shore hardness W hardness tester) is 33 ± 2, compression permanent deformation < 60% (40% 130°C24); 3, when the customer has special requirements for the organic release performance in the filter products, the gas release performance of the gasket should be able to meet the requirements of the customer.

The last point is the air inlet surface and air outlet surface guard mesh: available stainless steel pull plate mesh, perforated plate, spot welded galvanized wire mesh, spot welded stainless steel wire mesh, or plastic sprayed steel mesh, can be customized according to customer requirements.