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The good condition of the air shower room can not be separated from our careful maintenance

The good condition of the air shower room can not be separated from our careful maintenance

       Good air shower room filtration effect is daily air shower room purification equipment careful maintenance and maintenance is indispensable.
  1、Regular replacement of filters
  Primary effect filter usually 1~3 months to replace once, medium effect filter usually 3~6 months to replace once, and high-efficiency filter usually 6~36 months to replace once. Primary and medium efficiency filters are arranged to be cleaned regularly once a month and can be reloaded after completely drying.
  2、Do a good job of inspection
  Professional electricians or inspectors regularly check and maintain the air shower room to ensure that the indicators in the equipment set parameters. In particular, it is necessary to carry out maintenance focused on the wind shower room as a whole. During the driving process, the staff may violate the operation, resulting in the electronic locking pin not moving, malfunctioning, and improper adjustment of the door closer, thus affecting the effect of closing the door. In addition, check for loose screws, sealing of the air shower room, and the operating condition of the blower.
        3、Cleaning and maintenance
  Do not use sharp objects to damage or collide with the surface of the air shower room, cleaning, please use oxidizing or strong acidic and alkaline liquid to wipe the air shower room box, as far as possible to use industrial cleaning for maintenance.
  4、Avoid illegal use
  According to the air shower room operation standard book correct use, and avoid illegal operation. For example, do not arbitrarily change the parameters set by the air shower room. Do not force the air shower room to open or close under normal working mode. Do not touch any control switches. Gently close the air shower room before and after the wind blows. In the event of a malfunction, do not panic, it is better not to activate the manual button, please notify an expert immediately.