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The effect and equipment of the air shower room pass box

The effect and equipment of the air shower room pass box

The air shower room is used to blow away the floating dust on people when they enter the clean room, reducing the pollution of the clean room caused by people entering and leaving. The matching of the air shower transfer window and the air shower room is to reduce the pollution coefficient of the clean area to the maximum extent.

The air shower room transfer window completes the blowing effect during the transfer process to ensure the cleanliness of the objects entering the clean area and reduce the cross-contamination caused by the objects; its blowing time can be adjusted arbitrarily within 1 minute according to actual needs, and the blowing and energy saving effects are achieved to the maximum extent.

The effect of the air shower room transfer window is mainly disinfection and air showering. The transfer window is a device for transferring small objects between the clean room and the non-clean area or between clean rooms of different levels and pressures. On the one hand, it plays the role of an airlock to prevent the high pressure in other high-level clean rooms from being released.

The air shower room transfer window is mainly installed in a convenient position on the wall, keeping it balanced and fixed, using rounded corners or other decorative strips to decorate the gap between the transfer window and the wall, and applying glue to seal and modify. The application of air shower transfer windows makes the production of the workshop safer and creates a better production environment for manufacturers.