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The difference between glass fibre and chemical fibre for medium efficiency air filters

The difference between glass fibre and chemical fibre for medium efficiency air filters

At present, medium-efficiency air filter plants usually use glass fiber or chemical synthetic fiber filter media, in general, the finer the fiber in the filter media, the greater the number of fibers, and the higher the filtration efficiency.

Glass fiber bag filter media is made by high-temperature meltblown, and the fiber diameter can be as fine as 1μm or less.
Due to the fine fibers, the glass fiber filter media has a relatively firm texture and can maintain a relatively fluffy state in use, with high filtration efficiency and a relatively gentle rise in force.
Therefore glass fiber has always been the ideal and reliable filter material for bag filters.
Some manufacturers use meltblown chemical fibers, which are also very fine and can achieve high filtration efficiency, but due to their soft texture, they cannot maintain a fluffy state like glass fiber filter media, and the force rises very quickly, and their service life is less than half that of glass fiber materials with the same specifications.

Chemical fiber nonwovens are easily brought on naturally in the manufacturing process or thought to be added to static electricity, which produces an electrostatic effect, which leads to good filtration efficiency in laboratory tests that may be tested.
In practice, however, this static electricity is quickly lost due to the neutralization of charged particles in the air, and the efficiency drops suddenly.
This can be seen if a chemical fiber filter is tested for a few weeks, but this is not easily noticeable to the average user.

The glass fiber bag type is generally used in higher temperature environments and can withstand temperatures of up to 120 degrees, whereas the ordinary chemical fiber bag type is generally only able to withstand temperatures of around 80 degrees.