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Terms related to industrial filtration equipment

Terms related to industrial filtration equipment

I. Pressure: pressure indicates a physical quantity of the size of the pressure energy within the equipment.
1、Working pressure: The high-pressure value that can be reached at the top of the equipment under normal operating conditions;

2、Design pressure: the high-pressure value set at the top of the equipment, together with the design temperature as the main condition for design, this value must not be lower than the working pressure;

3、Calculated pressure: the pressure value used to determine the thickness of the equipment at the corresponding design temperature, which includes the liquid column static pressure, when the equipment is subjected to the liquid column static pressure is less than the design pressure can be ignored;

4, test pressure: this refers to the pressure value at the top of the equipment during the pressure test.

II, temperature: temperature refers to a physical quantity of the degree of heat contained in the material.
1, design temperature: equipment in normal operation under the set metal temperature, as mentioned above, the design temperature and design pressure together as the main design conditions, and general equipment on the design temperature should be marked on the design temperature of the shell;

2, the test temperature: this refers to the metal temperature of the shell when the pressure test is carried out.

III, thickness: thickness refers to the linear length of the substance in a certain direction.
1, Calculated thickness: the thickness of the equipment calculated by the set conditions;

2, the design thickness: this refers to the calculated thickness and the sum of the corrosion margin;

3, the nominal thickness: this refers to the design thickness plus the negative deviation of the steel thickness, up to the thickness of the steel standard specification;

4, the effective thickness: this refers to the nominal thickness minus the corrosion margin and steel negative deviation of the resulting value.

Above we have analyzed the terms related to industrial filtration equipment from the three aspects of pressure, temperature, and thickness of the filter