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Technical parameters and selection elements of precision filters

Technical parameters and selection elements of precision filters

To achieve higher precision filtration quality, the design of the precision filter uses multiple layers of filter materials of different natures, which contain a glass fiber layer, an activated carbon fiber layer, a non-woven layer, a stainless steel mesh layer, and so on.
Only this design can help our pollution management to reach the height of oil-free, and impurity-free, after the purification of the air quality is very secure, in the food industry, aseptic packaging and other industries have more use.

I. Technical parameters of precision filtration equipment

1、Large flow rate: 10-45m3/h;

2、Filtration area: 0.1-0.25m2;

3、Filtration precision: 0.3-600um;

4、Working pressure: 0.1Mpa;

5、Material selection: 304 stainless steel, 316 stainless steel, 316L stainless steel.

II. Selection elements of precision filtration equipment

1, according to the equipment import and export diameter to choose, first of all, we have to consider the equipment import and export diameter, should not be less than the equipment in the pump import diameter;

2, according to the possible high working pressure in the filtration pipeline to decide the pressure level of the equipment;

3, consider the need to intercept the particle size of impurities, according to the process of media to choose the number of holes;

4, the filter material selection and the required process pipeline material to maintain the same, if there is no corresponding material can choose cast iron, carbon steel, low alloy steel or stainless steel, and other common materials;

5, calculate the possible pressure loss of the equipment under the rated flow rate, generally speaking, between 0.52 - 1.2kpa is more appropriate.