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Standards for the use of high efficiency filters in biological safety cabinets

Standards for the use of high efficiency filters in biological safety cabinets

In practice, conventional filters refer to class A and class B specified in the standard of high-efficiency filters, which are the most commonly used high-efficiency filters in the design, generally lower than or equal to 100,000 levels can be selected class A; 10,000 to 100 levels can be selected class B. Where conventional high-efficiency filters, the efficiency of ≥0.5μm particles can be calculated by five "9" or 0.9999. High-efficiency filters are mainly used to filter airborne particles below 0.3um, as the end filtration of various filtration systems, generally speaking, the selection of high-efficiency filters for biosafety cabinets is based on the requirements of the clean level.

The clean end of the clean area high-efficiency filter requires the protection of a filter with an efficiency not lower than F8. Due to the great workload of the installation and leakage detection of the biological safety cabinet high-efficiency filter, to prolong the service life of the filter on the air supply surface and to improve indoor cleanliness, a sub-high-efficiency filter can be added at the inlet of the static pressure box of the air supply or in the nearby pipeline to prolong the service life of the air filter at the clean end.