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Six practical maintenance methods for bag filters

Six practical maintenance methods for bag filters

    As we all know, there are many types of filter equipment with different functions, and the bag filter we are going to talk about today is also one of them! As a new and efficient equipment, its popularity among the public It’s getting higher and higher. Today we will ask experienced people from the filter company to introduce to you the maintenance methods of bag filters!
1. Check the sealing of the equipment. It is recommended to use the leak test method because it has a high accuracy. In addition, it is also a good method to check with soap. If the sealing of the equipment is not good, bubbles will appear.
2. Clean the filter bag regularly. If there are a lot of impurities in it, it is recommended to tap it gently with a wooden stick. Wait until the dust on it is clean and then rinse it with clean water.
3. When servicing the equipment, be sure to disconnect all power connections and lower the internal system temperature to a minimum to ensure safety.
4. Check whether the filter bag is installed smoothly. After cleaning the dirt in the filter bag, be sure to tighten it with an iron wire to prevent leakage.
5. Before installing the filter cartridge, first check whether the sealing port is clean and tidy. When installing, it must be vertical, and the orientation of the filter must be adjusted as much as possible to avoid errors.
6. If you need to disassemble parts of the equipment, first lift the filter cartridge and adjust the flange of the equipment appropriately to prevent air from entering the inside of the equipment and affecting the quality of filtration.
    Although the above points are relatively simple, they are really practical, especially for non-professionals like us. After mastering these simple methods, we can use this device well! Filtering The experienced people from the filter company introduced us to the bag filter maintenance method which is good!